
Showing posts from January 27, 2019


Hanc paginam intra 3 menses augere oportet. Cuique paginae opus est: lemmate paginae nomine congruente; textu, qui rem definit notabilitatemque eius exprimit; fonte externo certo; nexibus internis ex hac pagina et ad hanc paginam ducentibus. Plura ... DE EN FR Litus Portus Cavi in Lusitania. Litus (-oris, n. ) est linea quae mare a terra separat. Nexus interni Apportatio Ora Ripa Nexus externi | Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad litus spectant. .mw-parser-output .stipula{padding:3px;background:#F7F8FF;border:1px solid grey;margin:auto}.mw-parser-output .stipula td.cell1{background:transparent;color:white} Haec stipula ad geographiam spectat. Amplifica , si potes! This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Iberia (discretiva) Iberia Hiberia , [1] sive Iberia (Graece Ἰβηρία ), est paeninsula in angulo meridiano et occidentali Europae sita, quae comprehendet Hispaniam, Portugalliam, Andorram, Gibraltariam, ac particulam Franciae. Superficies eius est fere 582 000 chiliometrorum quadratorum. Est secunda a maxima Europae paeninsula, post Scandinaviam. Populus huius regionis appellabatur Hiberes vel Hiberi (Graece Ἴβηρες), quod nomen a flumine Hibero deducitur. Civitates | Hispania Lusitania Andorra Gibraltaria (pars Britanniarum Regni) Francia (solum Cerretania Francica) Notae | ↑ Lewis et Short: "Hĭ-bērĭa (Ib-)"; Oxford Latin Dictionary : "Hibēria ~ae". Nexus externi | Situs geographici et historici:  • OpenStreetMap  • Pleiades .mw-parser-output .stipula{padding:3px;background:#F7F8FF;border:1px solid grey;margin:auto}.mw-parser-output .stipula td.cell1{background:transparent;color:whi...

Use data from combobox from one class inside another class

1 I am trying to make a programm where in one frame (window) I have a combobox, then after selecting the combobox value I want it to print a message based on it's value on another window (class), but it says 'int' object has no attribute 'comboBoxDiamUnitString'. As you will see, I first create the main App, then open up the start page where the combobox is, I select it's value and after some other procees I didn't put in the code as it runs ok I get to the next window, but then I can't use the combobox value in this new class I am in... What am I missing? Thanks for your help in advance. class App(Tk): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) MainMenu(self) #Setup Frame container = Frame(self) c...

Splunk JAVA SDK - Fetch FiredAlerts (i.e Alerts already triggered)

1 I am trying to fetch the fired alerts using the splunk java sdk. But i am not able to get any reference. Here is the code snippet i have and it is not fetching me any results. FiredAlertGroupCollection firedAlertGroups = service.getFiredAlertGroups(); System.out.println("Fired Alert : " + firedAlertGroups.size()); for (FiredAlertGroup entity : firedAlertGroups.values()) { EntityCollection<FiredAlert> alerts = entity.getAlerts(); for (FiredAlert alert : alerts.values()) { System.out.println("alerts >>>> " +alert.getName() +": " + alert.getSavedSearchName()+": " + alert.getTitle()); } } Is there a way, i can filter the alerts fired in the last 24 hours etc. Pleas...