
Showing posts from January 20, 2019


Puer aeger. Pictura Gabrielis Metsu. Obesitas in cultura Renascentiae fuit signum status socialis: Alexander del Borro, Generalis Tuscanus, pictura Andreae Sacchi tributa, 1645. [1] Obesitas nunc late habetur morbus. Morbus (-i, m.) vel aegritudo vel nosus [2] vel nusus [2] est inopia sanitatis, status abnormis, qui corpus organismi adficit. Morbus saepe habetur condicio medica, cum propriis notis et signis coniuncta. [3] Causae morborum inter se variant. Infectiones bacteriales (exempli gratia, pestis), protozoorum, virales (exempli gratia SIDA) sunt causae externae. Mutationes cum auctu sine fine cellularum (cancer) aut degenerationes (exempli gratia, morbus Alzheimerianus, osteoporosis, et sclerosis multiplex quae encephalomyelitis disseminata accuratius dicitur) causae internae sunt. Multa indicia morbi symptomata signaque esse possunt: febris, vomitus, diarrhoea, inflammatio, haemorrhagia, etc. Confluens quoque indiciorum, syndroma vocatur, in passiones di...

Is iTunes' ExternalVersionIdentifier monotonic?

0 This field identifies a specific version of an app on iTunes. I've noticed that the value of this field seems to increase every time an app has an update. I have however never found any official documentation that confirms this field is monotonic (ie. increases every time an app has an update). This field is also known as: ExternalVersionIdentifier (Apple MDM) external version ID (Apple MDM) externalId (Apple WebObjects) itunes_version (Enterprise Partner Feed Relational) ios itunes mdm share | improve this question asked 2 days ago user12365 user12365 33 3 ...

Django database file on linux missing

0 I recently transferred my django project folder from a windows pc to a linux machine, and ever since then my django app is reading its database from an unknown location. I confirmed this by deleting the database in my project folder, and somehow i can still see all my models in the admin. And when i run the below code , i get the path to the database and on going to the directory i seenothing. >>> from django.conf import settings >>> settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] '/home/Files/Document/django/one/db.sqlite3' BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), ...