
Showing posts from January 23, 2019

SSL Certificates for io.netty HTTP server

0 I am using org.glassfish.jersey and io.netty to create HTTP servers For security reasons I want to protect my servers with SSL certificate. This is my snippet code to create HTTP server: ResourceConfig resourceConfig = new ResourceConfig(RestController.class); Channel server=NettyHttpContainerProvider.createHttp2Server(URI.create(uri), resourceConfig,null); How can I add SSL certificate to my HTTP server ? java rest ssl-certificate netty jersey-2.0 share | improve this question asked Jan 18 at 16:26 Zak FST Zak FST 28 5 ...

Dacianus Cioloş

Dacianus Cioloş Res apud Vicidata repertae: Nativitas : 27 Iulii 1969 ; Zalău Patria : Romania Officium Officium : Prime Minister of Romania Munus : engineer , Politicus , agronomist Consociatio Factio : Factio popularis Europaea Memoria Laurae : Order of the Republic Dacianus Cioloş Dacianus (Dacoromanice Dacian ) Cioloş (natus die 27 Iulii 1969 in Zalău) vir publicus Romanicus est. Index 1 Munus 2 Cursus honorum 3 Notae 4 Bibliographia 5 Nexus externi Munus | Postquam scholam finivit, Cioloş apud Universitatem Agrariam et Veterinariam Claudiopolitanam annis 1989 - 1994 horticulurae studebat. Postea apud Universitas Montispessulani etiam oeconomiae studebat. Ab anno 2005 pro ministerio agriculturae Romaniae operam dedit. Cursus honorum | A die 11 Octobris 2007 ad usque 22 Decembris 2008 minister agriculturae in consilio ministrorum Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu erat. Anno 2010 ab Aemilio Boc praeside ministror...

A dog followed the man into the store

6 3 A dog followed the man into the store. Is it only me who thinks the sentence above means both? A dog was walking behind the man into the store. The man got into the store by the following of a dog. I think it's possible the sentence means both, although the second version sounds very weird, but anyways, it can be interpreted the 2nd way. sentence-meaning share | improve this question edited Jan 18 at 11:48 RubioRic 4,262 1 9 33 asked Jan 18 at 10:16 SIS SIS ...