
Showing posts from February 10, 2019

Index gubernatorum Nebrascae

Hic est index Nebrascae gubernatorum. Nebrascae territorium | Nomen Mandatum Factio Thomas Barney Cuming 1854 Democratica Franciscus Burt 1854 Democratica Thomas Barney Cuming 1854–1855 Democratica Marcus Whitaker Izard 1855–1857 Democratica Thomas Barney Cuming 1857–1858 Democratica Gulielmus Alexander Richardson 1858 Demokrat Iulius Sterling Morton 1858–1859 Democratica Samuel Watson Black 1859–1861 Democratica Iulius Sterling Morton 1861 Democratica Algernon Sidney Paddock 1861 Republicana Alvin Saunders 1861–1867 Republicana Nebrasca liberas civitas | Nomen Mandatum Factio David C. Butler 1867–1871 Republicana Gulielmus Hartford James 1871–1873 Republicana Robertus Wilkinson Furnas 1873–1875 Republicana Silas Garber 1875–1879 Republicana Albinus Nance 1879–1883 Republicana Iacobus Gulielmus Dawes 1883–18...

How to save ColumnTransfers ( scaler , one hot encoder , imputer..etc) for later predictions

-1 How to Save scalers and encoders for later use on prediction I tried to save and load a model. But got KeyError: 0 when tried to load it cat_steps = Pipeline([ ('si', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='MISSING')), ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')), ('ohehot', OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, handle_unknown='ignore')) ]) categoricalColumns = ['advCode','advisorAge','Totalbonus'] num_steps = Pipeline([ ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')), ('scaler', StandardScaler()) ]) numericalColumns = ['height',"weight"] preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('num', num_steps, numericalColumns), ...

Cakephp 3.6: Create new view with dropdown and check boxes

0 I am building a task manager application and among other I have these tables: TaskTypes : [id, name, instructions] TaskElements : [id, name, description, task_type_id, element_category_id] ElementCategories : [id, name] In the TaskTypes view.cpt I want to create a button which will open a new screen where the user can select an Element Category from a drop down menu and then will see a table with all the TaskElements that belong to this Element Category . Each row (Task Element) will have a checkbox, so the user can select Task Elements and then with a Submit button the selected Task Elements will be duplicated with the task_type_id filled from the TaskTypes view.cpt . Because I am fairly new to cakephp I have these questions: How I can write the code to update the table based on the dropdown ...