Unity2D: Move enemy towards object when spotted


I have a script that will make enemies look around an area for random objects within a scene, if the enemy spots the object then the enemy will move forward. However, this is not what I want the enemy to do, instead of the enemy moving forward, I want the enemy to move towards the object and then once the enemy reaches the object, I want the enemy to stop it's movement. I have different types of objects with different tags attached to it so I don't think moving the object using the object's tag name will be effective. I hope to find a way to move the enemies to the nearest object using the object's Layer name as all of my objects have the same layer name, meaning whatever object is spawn in to the scene the enemy will be able to move towards it. Is there a way to move my enemy towards an object when they have the object in sight? Thank you for your help!

This is my code so far:

public Transform sightStart, sightEnd, sightStart2, sightEnd2;

public Vector3 direction = Vector3.right;
public Vector3 direction2 = Vector3.right;

public float speed = 2f;

public bool spotted = false;
public bool rotate, moveEnemy = false;

public Camera mainCam;

public GameObject EndSight, EndSight2;

void Start () {
speed = 2f;
spotted = false;
rotate = false;
moveEnemy = false;
mainCam = GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera> ();


void Update () {
Behaviours ();
if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
direction.x = -1;
InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
if (moveEnemy == false) {
RayCasting ();
Destroy (gameObject, 7f);
} else {
direction.x = 1;
InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
if (moveEnemy == false) {
RayCasting2 ();
Destroy (gameObject, 7f);

void EnemySight() {
if (rotate == false) {
if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
direction2.x = 0;
direction2.y = 1;
StartCoroutine (wait1 ());
} else {
EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
direction2.x = 0;
direction2.y = 1;
StartCoroutine (wait1 ());

} else if (rotate == true) {
if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
direction2.x = 0;
direction2.y = -1;
StartCoroutine (wait2 ());
} else {
EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
direction2.x = 0;
direction2.y = -1;
StartCoroutine (wait2 ());

IEnumerator wait1() {
yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
rotate = true;

IEnumerator wait2() {
yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
rotate = false;

void RayCasting()
Debug.DrawLine (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, Color.black);
spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


void RayCasting2()
Debug.DrawLine (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, Color.black);
spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


void Behaviours()
if (spotted == true) {
transform.Translate (direction * speed * Time.deltaTime);
speed = 2f;
} else if (spotted == false) {
speed = 0;

void OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D col) {
if (col.tag == "object1") {
speed = 0;
if (col.tag == "object2") {
speed = 0;
if (col.tag == "object3") {
speed = 0;
if (col.tag == "object4") {
speed = 0;

share|improve this question


    I have a script that will make enemies look around an area for random objects within a scene, if the enemy spots the object then the enemy will move forward. However, this is not what I want the enemy to do, instead of the enemy moving forward, I want the enemy to move towards the object and then once the enemy reaches the object, I want the enemy to stop it's movement. I have different types of objects with different tags attached to it so I don't think moving the object using the object's tag name will be effective. I hope to find a way to move the enemies to the nearest object using the object's Layer name as all of my objects have the same layer name, meaning whatever object is spawn in to the scene the enemy will be able to move towards it. Is there a way to move my enemy towards an object when they have the object in sight? Thank you for your help!

    This is my code so far:

    public Transform sightStart, sightEnd, sightStart2, sightEnd2;

    public Vector3 direction = Vector3.right;
    public Vector3 direction2 = Vector3.right;

    public float speed = 2f;

    public bool spotted = false;
    public bool rotate, moveEnemy = false;

    public Camera mainCam;

    public GameObject EndSight, EndSight2;

    void Start () {
    speed = 2f;
    spotted = false;
    rotate = false;
    moveEnemy = false;
    mainCam = GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera> ();


    void Update () {
    Behaviours ();
    if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
    direction.x = -1;
    InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
    if (moveEnemy == false) {
    RayCasting ();
    Destroy (gameObject, 7f);
    } else {
    direction.x = 1;
    InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
    if (moveEnemy == false) {
    RayCasting2 ();
    Destroy (gameObject, 7f);

    void EnemySight() {
    if (rotate == false) {
    if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
    EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
    direction2.x = 0;
    direction2.y = 1;
    StartCoroutine (wait1 ());
    } else {
    EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
    direction2.x = 0;
    direction2.y = 1;
    StartCoroutine (wait1 ());

    } else if (rotate == true) {
    if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
    EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
    direction2.x = 0;
    direction2.y = -1;
    StartCoroutine (wait2 ());
    } else {
    EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
    direction2.x = 0;
    direction2.y = -1;
    StartCoroutine (wait2 ());

    IEnumerator wait1() {
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
    rotate = true;

    IEnumerator wait2() {
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
    rotate = false;

    void RayCasting()
    Debug.DrawLine (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, Color.black);
    spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


    void RayCasting2()
    Debug.DrawLine (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, Color.black);
    spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


    void Behaviours()
    if (spotted == true) {
    transform.Translate (direction * speed * Time.deltaTime);
    speed = 2f;
    } else if (spotted == false) {
    speed = 0;

    void OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D col) {
    if (col.tag == "object1") {
    speed = 0;
    if (col.tag == "object2") {
    speed = 0;
    if (col.tag == "object3") {
    speed = 0;
    if (col.tag == "object4") {
    speed = 0;

    share|improve this question




      I have a script that will make enemies look around an area for random objects within a scene, if the enemy spots the object then the enemy will move forward. However, this is not what I want the enemy to do, instead of the enemy moving forward, I want the enemy to move towards the object and then once the enemy reaches the object, I want the enemy to stop it's movement. I have different types of objects with different tags attached to it so I don't think moving the object using the object's tag name will be effective. I hope to find a way to move the enemies to the nearest object using the object's Layer name as all of my objects have the same layer name, meaning whatever object is spawn in to the scene the enemy will be able to move towards it. Is there a way to move my enemy towards an object when they have the object in sight? Thank you for your help!

      This is my code so far:

      public Transform sightStart, sightEnd, sightStart2, sightEnd2;

      public Vector3 direction = Vector3.right;
      public Vector3 direction2 = Vector3.right;

      public float speed = 2f;

      public bool spotted = false;
      public bool rotate, moveEnemy = false;

      public Camera mainCam;

      public GameObject EndSight, EndSight2;

      void Start () {
      speed = 2f;
      spotted = false;
      rotate = false;
      moveEnemy = false;
      mainCam = GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera> ();


      void Update () {
      Behaviours ();
      if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
      direction.x = -1;
      InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
      if (moveEnemy == false) {
      RayCasting ();
      Destroy (gameObject, 7f);
      } else {
      direction.x = 1;
      InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
      if (moveEnemy == false) {
      RayCasting2 ();
      Destroy (gameObject, 7f);

      void EnemySight() {
      if (rotate == false) {
      if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
      EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = 1;
      StartCoroutine (wait1 ());
      } else {
      EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = 1;
      StartCoroutine (wait1 ());

      } else if (rotate == true) {
      if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
      EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = -1;
      StartCoroutine (wait2 ());
      } else {
      EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = -1;
      StartCoroutine (wait2 ());

      IEnumerator wait1() {
      yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
      rotate = true;

      IEnumerator wait2() {
      yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
      rotate = false;

      void RayCasting()
      Debug.DrawLine (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, Color.black);
      spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


      void RayCasting2()
      Debug.DrawLine (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, Color.black);
      spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


      void Behaviours()
      if (spotted == true) {
      transform.Translate (direction * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      speed = 2f;
      } else if (spotted == false) {
      speed = 0;

      void OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D col) {
      if (col.tag == "object1") {
      speed = 0;
      if (col.tag == "object2") {
      speed = 0;
      if (col.tag == "object3") {
      speed = 0;
      if (col.tag == "object4") {
      speed = 0;

      share|improve this question

      I have a script that will make enemies look around an area for random objects within a scene, if the enemy spots the object then the enemy will move forward. However, this is not what I want the enemy to do, instead of the enemy moving forward, I want the enemy to move towards the object and then once the enemy reaches the object, I want the enemy to stop it's movement. I have different types of objects with different tags attached to it so I don't think moving the object using the object's tag name will be effective. I hope to find a way to move the enemies to the nearest object using the object's Layer name as all of my objects have the same layer name, meaning whatever object is spawn in to the scene the enemy will be able to move towards it. Is there a way to move my enemy towards an object when they have the object in sight? Thank you for your help!

      This is my code so far:

      public Transform sightStart, sightEnd, sightStart2, sightEnd2;

      public Vector3 direction = Vector3.right;
      public Vector3 direction2 = Vector3.right;

      public float speed = 2f;

      public bool spotted = false;
      public bool rotate, moveEnemy = false;

      public Camera mainCam;

      public GameObject EndSight, EndSight2;

      void Start () {
      speed = 2f;
      spotted = false;
      rotate = false;
      moveEnemy = false;
      mainCam = GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera> ();


      void Update () {
      Behaviours ();
      if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
      direction.x = -1;
      InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
      if (moveEnemy == false) {
      RayCasting ();
      Destroy (gameObject, 7f);
      } else {
      direction.x = 1;
      InvokeRepeating ("EnemySight", 0, 10f);
      if (moveEnemy == false) {
      RayCasting2 ();
      Destroy (gameObject, 7f);

      void EnemySight() {
      if (rotate == false) {
      if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
      EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = 1;
      StartCoroutine (wait1 ());
      } else {
      EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = 1;
      StartCoroutine (wait1 ());

      } else if (rotate == true) {
      if (mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position).x > Screen.width / 2) {
      EndSight.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = -1;
      StartCoroutine (wait2 ());
      } else {
      EndSight2.transform.Translate (direction2 * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      direction2.x = 0;
      direction2.y = -1;
      StartCoroutine (wait2 ());

      IEnumerator wait1() {
      yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
      rotate = true;

      IEnumerator wait2() {
      yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.7f);
      rotate = false;

      void RayCasting()
      Debug.DrawLine (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, Color.black);
      spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


      void RayCasting2()
      Debug.DrawLine (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, Color.black);
      spotted = Physics2D.Linecast (sightStart2.position, sightEnd2.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Items"));


      void Behaviours()
      if (spotted == true) {
      transform.Translate (direction * speed * Time.deltaTime);
      speed = 2f;
      } else if (spotted == false) {
      speed = 0;

      void OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D col) {
      if (col.tag == "object1") {
      speed = 0;
      if (col.tag == "object2") {
      speed = 0;
      if (col.tag == "object3") {
      speed = 0;
      if (col.tag == "object4") {
      speed = 0;

      c# unity3d

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Jan 19 at 18:30




          1 Answer






          enemy.transform = Vector2.MoveTowards(enemy.transform, target.transform, speed * Time.deltaTime);

          If you want to stop the enemy a bit farther than the transform of the target, your target could be the hitPoint of the Raycast.

          Hope it helps.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

            – wasicool2
            Jan 20 at 16:12

          • I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

            – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
            Jan 20 at 18:36

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          enemy.transform = Vector2.MoveTowards(enemy.transform, target.transform, speed * Time.deltaTime);

          If you want to stop the enemy a bit farther than the transform of the target, your target could be the hitPoint of the Raycast.

          Hope it helps.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

            – wasicool2
            Jan 20 at 16:12

          • I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

            – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
            Jan 20 at 18:36



          enemy.transform = Vector2.MoveTowards(enemy.transform, target.transform, speed * Time.deltaTime);

          If you want to stop the enemy a bit farther than the transform of the target, your target could be the hitPoint of the Raycast.

          Hope it helps.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

            – wasicool2
            Jan 20 at 16:12

          • I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

            – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
            Jan 20 at 18:36





          enemy.transform = Vector2.MoveTowards(enemy.transform, target.transform, speed * Time.deltaTime);

          If you want to stop the enemy a bit farther than the transform of the target, your target could be the hitPoint of the Raycast.

          Hope it helps.

          share|improve this answer


          enemy.transform = Vector2.MoveTowards(enemy.transform, target.transform, speed * Time.deltaTime);

          If you want to stop the enemy a bit farther than the transform of the target, your target could be the hitPoint of the Raycast.

          Hope it helps.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Jan 19 at 18:58

          Jorge Fernandez HerreroJorge Fernandez Herrero



          • Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

            – wasicool2
            Jan 20 at 16:12

          • I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

            – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
            Jan 20 at 18:36

          • Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

            – wasicool2
            Jan 20 at 16:12

          • I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

            – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
            Jan 20 at 18:36

          Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

          – wasicool2
          Jan 20 at 16:12

          Thank you for replying, I was just wondering how would I implement the vector target due to the fact that I have different types of objects that is instantiated into the game with different names and different tag names? Thank you again for your contribution. :)

          – wasicool2
          Jan 20 at 16:12

          I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

          – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
          Jan 20 at 18:36

          I am not sure if I understood your issue. But you could ask if the object is the type your are looking for, let me explain. You could do a base class (SearchableObject), if the object seen by the enemy is a searchableObject, then move towards it.

          – Jorge Fernandez Herrero
          Jan 20 at 18:36

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